Cardano Over Coffee ☕

The Quest for Seamless Crypto Transactions and Token Interoperability

Brian, Epoch, Jenny, Lido, Block Jock, Noodz

Discover the captivating world of cryptocurrency with Kyle from Exodus Wallet, who joins us to share his transition from a Bitcoin aficionado to a pivotal figure in the crypto universe. Over a shared love for the perfect brew, we discuss Kyle's beginnings with Gridcoin mining and his ambitious vision with Exodus: to equip people with the power of self-custody and to usher in half the globe's population into the realm of digital currency by the year 2030. With an emphasis on intuitive functionality, we meander through the wallet's standout features, from in-app swaps to dealing with NFTs, all designed with novices and pros in mind.

Venture behind the scenes, where the quest for multi-chain harmony and uncompromising security takes center stage. Delving into the complexities of blockchain interoperability, we learn about the intricate process of token integration and what it means for users to navigate the expanding web of networks. Kyle addresses the critical feedback head-on, discussing the evolution of seed phrase security and the balance between user accessibility and robust protection. Privacy buffs, rejoice; we touch on the wallet's steadfast dedication to non-custodial values, ensuring your digital assets remain under your control.

As we wrap up our enlightening chat, Kyle unveils the future of Exodus within the Cardano ecosystem, with open arms extended to developers aiming to enhance the wallet's DApp integration. We spotlight xoSwap, a novel service poised to revolutionize DApps by weaving in Exodus's swap functionality, simplifying the crypto exchange process. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everybody to Cardano over coffee. We got a great show for you today and remember, you can join us live on X spaces Monday through Friday 9 30 am Eastern Standard Time, 2 30 pm UTC. Joining us on today's show is Exodus wallet. They pride themselves in self custody. Listen in to find out what you can do on Cardano with Exodus wallet.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, snacks you awesome, I'm doing well. Hi, I, my name is Kyle. I'm a community manager for Exodus. Before we really get into anything, just two quick things. Number one the usual nothing I say is financial advice, etc, etc. And Number two, I can't comment on anything regular regulatory related. So anything happening in the US, the FCA rules in the UK, nothing about that.

Speaker 4:

So what about a coffee to drink?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, so I'm actually a coffee snob and I Grind my own coffee, I get it from like a local roaster, and so on.

Speaker 1:

I'd like him already.

Speaker 2:

I'm running a little bit behind this morning, so I just had a can of iced coffee, um, from some random brand so here's the question cream milk, oat milk, black, how you do it a tiny bit of. I Believe it's oat creamer. Oh, it's half. And no, no, no, no, it's out creamer yeah interesting. My wife is. My wife is lactose intolerance, so we try to cut out as much milk as possible.

Speaker 1:

Hey, listen, I switched over recently. Um, I'm more of an almond milk guy myself, but that's just, I think, personal preference.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, we, we've been trying to find like a, a, not a non dairy milk alternative and most of them we don't think actually measures up to like tasting like real milk and we finally found one. And after a few months they quit selling it here in the US.

Speaker 1:

Oh damn, yeah, that's like my type of luck, bro. So please, why don't you introduce us to yourself a little bit, tell us how, how you maybe got involved in crypto and then maybe how you started with Exodus, and then we'll talk specifically about Exodus and and Self-custom and what three and all the fun stuff.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, my name is Kyle. I've been with Exodus for we're actually coming up on my three-year anniversary at Exodus in March. My crypto roots actually go way back to 2011 or so I I didn't invest in, invest backs in, but I've known of Bitcoin, had been following it ever since then. I Just like the idea of. I'm a tech nerd and I'm kind of I really like the idea of anything that's decentralized and anything that, like the regular Person can do and support, and I just like this whole idea of this financial system that was not run by the big banks, was run by just nerds with their computers I like to call them wizards sir.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and around 2014, I remember I had done a bunch of research into like mining and how it worked and so on, and Around 2013, 2014. I had discovered this coin called grid coin grid coin and it was this coin where you mind it by Like, donating your computer power to like science and math research. Um, so you could donate your computer power to like there's a program called asteroids that maps asteroids, and you may have heard of SETI, which is the search for extra terrestrial Intelligence, I think is what it stands for. You could donate your computer power to that and you would be rewarded in grid coin. And that was kind of my kind, of my first actual involved in it, involved.

Speaker 4:

That's pretty dope. Never heard of that. Yeah, um, is that still a thing?

Speaker 2:

It's still a saying yes. And actually one of their projects was you basically mind it by running a program called I don't actually know how to pronounce it, but it's called Boink B-O-I-N-C, and they actually got a little bit of recognition because during mid-pandemic, one of the programs that was running under Gridcoin was actually responsible for mapping Z COVID I forget what the term is, but had maps something regarding COVID, so it actually got some recognition there. But yeah, that was kind of my first intro into actually using crypto. And then fast forward to mid-2010s or so. I finally got involved in Ethereum and Bitcoin and I remember the early days was I got my first crypto through Coinbase and at the time Coinbase supported Bitcoin, ethereum and Litecoin. It was just those three Good days and, yeah, that's all I held at the time. And then fast forward to all the bulls and bears and so on and so forth and then come to 2021, I joined the Exodus team and I joined the Exodus team to run Exodus's subreddit, redditcom, slash r slash exodus wallet and over time I've kind of moved up and now I run almost all of our social media pages.

Speaker 2:

Now, and for those that do not know, exodus, we are a self-custody crypto wallet we are on desktop, mobile phones, mobile devices and Chromium browsers. It's a self-custodial wallet. We support hundreds of networks, thousands of tokens. I guess realistically it's millions of tokens, because we do support custom tokens on several networks. Exodus has several built-in features, such as a in-app swap, making swapping really easily. You can buy and sell crypto in the app. We've been adding a lot of Web3 features over time. You can view and send, receive NFTs and, yeah, that's what we do.

Speaker 2:

We. Our mission as a company is to buy 2030, get half of the world's population to exit traditional finance and enter crypto. That's what we've been working on and if we break those numbers down, that seems like a steep goal Because if you look at recent reports, there's about 420 million people that hold crypto nowadays. That's a mean number, but that's not super high for what we're aiming for and we're trying to get half of the world's population to be holding crypto by 2030. And I believe estimates are in 2030, the world's population is going to be about 10 billion. Billion was a B. That's assuming we don't have a COVID-2 electric boogaloo or anything like that Electric boogaloo. I love it. And so, yeah, our goal is to have around 5 billion people holding crypto by 2030. And in that regard, we're trying to make crypto easy to work with, we're trying to lower those barriers of entry, just making crypto easy to use, easy to get into, and so on and so forth.

Speaker 2:

And me personally, I'm just something I think about in this regard is I'm in the US, I'm in the just middle of nowhere the sticks in the US, and so we're kind of behind the tech here. When I go in a town in the the West Virginia, missouri, actually Close enough, yeah and so when I'm out and about the only time I ever see crypto in my area is a I believe it's a Bitcoin ATM at a local mall. Actually, if I think back, I think the Bitcoin ATM was actually removed recently. So, yeah, that's this area is exposure to crypto.

Speaker 2:

And I also kind of think about my parents. My parents are boomers, they're aging, they actually both turned 70 this year, so they're well and retired. And I think about okay, if we're making crypto easier to Get into, how do we make it easy to use for people that are not tech savvy, for the older generation, people that may not be so lucky, just people that are Not into tech? Like, how do we make crypto easy, easier for them to use. And when I think about my parents, I think about, like, for example, my dad. My dad is a big NASCAR fan. You guys might remember I believe it was like seven or eight years ago when the dogecoin community sponsored a good a NASCAR driver, and I remember having to explain to my dad like what dogecoin was, yeah, and like it was even I. Basically, just at the time, my parents kind of knew what Bitcoin was. I just kind of explained it as it's, bitcoin was a dog logo instead, but that was like 2014.

Speaker 4:

Have you been able to unborn them?

Speaker 2:

No, Just to give my, just give you an idea of my parents. Like my mom, and Just by the random chance, my parents hears this podcast. I love you guys, but my mom's like still needs help with attaching a attachment to an email. My dad is a little, yeah, yeah, my dad is a little bit above that, but not by much and so one for me.

Speaker 1:

My dad is that can the can't even send an email where my mom is the one that helps him. She knows a little bit more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so I think about Like, what can we do to bring somebody like that in the crypto?

Speaker 2:

More recently, I remember I had visited my parents about a year ago and my dad always has like ESPA or one of the other sports networks on, and at the time is TV was on the drone racing League, which I think was on NBC Sports, and the drone racing League has a sponsorship or a partnership of some kind with Algorithm and so there's Algorithm Branding all over drone racing League.

Speaker 2:

And I remember two years this was like one or two years ago when I was at my parents house and it was just kind of surreal seeing Algorithm on a US TV channel like that. And I remember thinking how do I even begin to explain what Algorithm is to my parents? Like how would I even begin to explain what Cardano is to my parents when they barely have an idea of what Bitcoin is, when it's just Like just digital Money. Magic money is what a lot of people like to comment? So, yeah, it kind of what we do at Exodus here is we're looking into how do we make crypto easy. How do we make crypto Easy enough for your parents to use it without much guidance, just that kind of thing.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, my dad says I was just gonna say something real quick here that my, oh my dad, he gets fascinated by it. He's like I get so fascinated by this and I don't understand it. He says but I've been through so much in life by now that I just know this is going to be something so incredibly Exciting and revolutionary. He says all he wishes is for him to be able to understand that before he dies and I think this. He always asked me questions and he's like I know I'm gonna get it, I have to get it. You know I'm like well, maybe that'll keep you alive by not getting it that he really wants to get it before he dies. It's like a goal that he has.

Speaker 2:

I get that.

Speaker 1:

So I just want to ask a question, just for for those that are in the crowd. You had mentioned that you you handled millions of tokens right, or technically, millions of tokens. I know the answer to this a Cardano is one of them, correct?

Speaker 2:

Yes, 100%. We also support Cardano custom tokens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was gonna say the native assets, yeah. So what if a project wanted to get support? What if they didn't have support from Exodus? And we're looking to get support from Exodus? How would they go about that?

Speaker 2:

so, first off, yeah, I Just to clarify, I do use a term, custom tokens, just because we use that for all that's fine, all of the other networks. But yeah, I do recognize that it's called native, native assets, for yeah, yeah, yeah. So the way it does work in Exodus is Um, there's this you I'm trying to visualize it in my head. I know most of our users are mobile. If you go into the Exda settings under assets or just button to import a token and you would just copy and paste the-.

Speaker 1:

So it's all manual pretty much. Yes, they can just go in and do it themselves.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you would copy and paste the contract ID and that would if you did that, the token would pop up in your wallet and Exda's it'd be able to detect how much you have. There is some work we do internally in order to get it to detect the price and the icon and that sort of thing. If you are a Cardano project that wants more official support is what we call it where your token icon shows up in the wallet and so on, send us a DM over here on Axe and we'll get you in contact with our business development team.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I think it's important, first off, that interoperability right, that all these tokens, if I want to use whatever blockchain it is, I don't need to go to 46 different wallets.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's 100% what we're trying to work towards. We want Exda's to be your crypto hub for everything we want to do in Exda's, because, at the end of the day, it should not matter what network your tokens are on If you're on one net. If you're on, let's say, let's say you're an Ethereum user, and you come and you find a DAP and Cardano you want to use, it should not be that hard to get your assets moved over to use that Cardano, dap. That's one of the barriers of entry we're trying to lower. We're trying to really embrace what it means to be multi-chain and, if we can lower those barriers for entry, make it easier for assets to be swapped between networks and so on and so forth. That just makes crypto easier to use for everything.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And you had mentioned one other thing Most of your users are mobile-based, right? Yes, do you see a difference in age when it comes to mobile versus desktop?

Speaker 2:

Like the age of the user.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I have always assumed that older people like me in Blockjock prefer web-based versus mobile, but I don't know if that's true. It's just always an assumption.

Speaker 2:

I would say that we don't collect that information or those demographics.

Speaker 1:

I like to hear that that's the best answer you could have gave me. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, plus one.

Speaker 2:

There it is. Yeah, because we're totally non-custodial. We don't have access to your coins. We don't have access to your keys. You download access, you tap through a few buttons, you get your private key. We're not taking your address or your name or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

Excellent, go ahead, blockjock.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I got a few questions, but the first one is I was looking on your reviews having to do with the Chrome extension itself and there were a few people on there that were and this is January 2024, that they were mentioned, so it was relatively recent. Having to do with C phrase, we're putting it in over and over again. They rechecked to make sure that it was correct and it said that ultimately they didn't have it correct. So people are obviously trying to take a C phrase from a wallet they currently have that's on chain and transferred over into Exodus and it's not currently working. Is this something that you've fixed or something you've found that's a problem, or is it in the user side? Just love an answer to that first.

Speaker 2:

Off to the top of my head. I'm not quite sure which issues this would be in reference to. One thing I will say is that we do only support 12-word phrases. I know there's 24-word phrases and, if I remember right, I believe there's also a 13-word phrase, 15. 15, yes, yes, 15. But no 16,. What Sublively is calling 득et이�著 stad Muninator Orgas is? I don't have a floor answer to that.

Speaker 5:

I apologize, but no, that's totally okay.

Speaker 2:

I will say that we do have a 24-7 support team. If somebody does have an issue, they can just email support at xdiscertcom, or we even have support engineers that are running our Twitter account here, our X account here. If somebody is running into an issue like that, they can reach out to our supporter.

Speaker 3:

What's the status of that? I guess it's not great to not support 24. More words is more secure. So there are lots of wallets. We're going to keep 12-word, or it's not something I would recommend to anyone at this point. So are you guys building the support for the greater word length wallets?

Speaker 2:

It is something we're looking into, but I can't give any details beyond that right now, at this time.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But it is on the radar.

Speaker 3:

That should be very high on the radar. If I'm looking at the security of it, and it only supports 12 words, I wouldn't personally want to get involved. I understand that, yeah, so I just want to be clear that it's not just like oh, a minor comment on whatever. That is something that the OGs will look at.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Jenin Goen.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I was going to say went into that, but that's, I guess, good to you, astan. Now I have another question regarding Web 3 wallets, because I know you do support. You say you support Cardano, you support Native Assets, but I don't really see you listed as a wallet to connect to Degen around this ecosystem that we call Cardano. As our friend Nudes will say, how do we go by that? What's that? Is that like a hard thing to integrate? Why don't we see it?

Speaker 2:

So first thing I will say is our business development team is working with DAPS all the time to get Exodus supported as a for. To use the browser extension as an example. Our business DAPS team is working with several DAPS to get Exodus listed on more of them. Once again, if you are a DAP developer and you want to work with us to get Exodus listed we would excuse me, I had a burp come up in the middle of that we will work with you to get Exodus as a connectable wallet in your DAP and we will do marketing with you. I actually I'm the person on the inside that runs a lot of our marketing efforts on social media, so I would be completely on board with that. In the meantime, if you go into ZX's website wallet, one of the settings is one of the settings. Why am I blanking on what?

Speaker 5:

the setting is called.

Speaker 2:

Let me open up my X to swallow it. I had this ready to go in my head and I just completely blanked on what the button was.

Speaker 1:

Please, if I had a dollar, every time I forgot what I was about to say, I'd be written.

Speaker 4:

Yes, it's a good time to remind people in the room that if you have a question, feel free to come up to speak. Can I ask you a question while we're still here?

Speaker 2:

Yes, so in the settings there is a button called Prioritize Exodus. If that's enabled, exodus can connect to a card on a DAP, even if the card on a DAP does not have Exodus as the listed button. But if you want Exodus as a listed button, once again reach out to us. We'll get you in contact with our BizDef team and I am told it's on board with marketing with you.

Speaker 4:

Cool? And what makes the wallet? What exactly makes the wallet so easy for first-time users?

Speaker 2:

One thing that makes it incredibly easy is one of our biggest strengths is just having a really clean UI. I'm sure we all remember what crypto wallets looked like in like 2011 and 2012 and just the really early days, and we put a lot of our focus in making a UI that's really beautiful. That's really simple. It's easy to find what you want to swap or send or what you want to find in your settings and so on. And we've been looking into how can we cut out, how can we make everything take fewer steps to carry out, what can we do to cut out as many middlemen as possible?

Speaker 2:

And to kind of give an example of that, if you go back, like two or three years ago, exodus was Exodus still is this very beautiful wallet that gets recommended a lot. But if you were a brand new to crypto and you downloaded Exodus, well great, you have an Exodus wallet, but you don't have any crypto and at the time we did not have a by crypto feature in the wallet, so you'd have to go to a exchange somewhere, get your crypto and bring it back to Exodus. We've eliminated that step In the last couple of years. We've introduced a buy and sell feature in Exodus, so you download Exodus. You can buy and sell crypto right there. You can buy Cardano right there.

Speaker 1:

Is that also customary also?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, you make the payment and it gets sent straight to your wallet. Thanks, we've made swaps easier. Swaps are also done self-custodially. That's done in just a few taps. We've made all of that easy, all of that able to be done in just a couple of minutes. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Cool, yeah, now good to know what the strong point regarding easy use came from Blackjack. Do you have a question?

Speaker 5:

I was having to do with in wallet swaps. How are you guys handling that from a technical point of view? I know it says it basically abstracts everything away from the end user. The magic's happening behind the scenes. How's that happening?

Speaker 2:

Our swap feature. I'm really happy you brought that up because that's related to a new service we've started offering recently. The swap feature integrates several different third-party liquidity providers. We don't facilitate Z-swaps. We have third-party partners that do that. We have several of them. I can't run through all of them, but we do have several of them. Then, depending on some of the swaps you do, if you want to swap between, we do cross-chain swap. If you want to swap between Bitcoin and Cardano, you can do that directly in a wallet using one of the liquidity providers. It's automatically chosen. If you want to swap just two tokens on the same network, we have several DEXs that are integrated as well. That's what makes our swaps easy. That's what makes our swaps something you can do in just a couple of seconds or minutes.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to get into a new service we've started offering. We're always focused on how can we make it easier to get into crypto. What we're doing now in 2024, is we're taking a hard look at how can we make it easier for people to get into crypto when they're using other DApps. How can we help DApps onboard users Easier and in a more simple way. How can we start offering some of Exodus features as like a wallet, as a service to DApps and other crypto projects. This past year, we've launched what we're calling exoSwap letter X, letter O and then the word swap. What this has done is it's turned our swap feature into an API. Other developers can integrate our swap feature with the same liquidity providers into their own DApp. If you're a Cardano DApp, maybe you only work on Cardano and somebody discovers your DApp and they only have let's say, they only have Bitcoin. If you integrated our exoSwap API, a user could then, on your DApp, swap Bitcoin for Cardano. That's fun. Does that include?

Speaker 5:

any native asset, or literally any native asset on Cardano. Yeah, literally.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, from a chain perspective, I believe we support around 60 chains Ethereum, bitcoin, any number of the different.

Speaker 1:

EVMs, take a gander. If you've never looked at what they offer, at least go take a gander. Every chain that you probably have ever used is probably there, including Cody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, If you want more information on exoSwap and if you want to put exoSwap in your own DApp, send us a message. Once again, send us a message here on X. We'll get you in contact with our bizdev team that will talk to you about supporting it. You can also go to exdiskcom. That's exoSwap. That has all the information about exoSwap. Once again, we're currently working with several DApps that get them onboarded and using exoSwap. Once again, I love co-marketing with different DApps out there. If you're a Cardano DApp that wants to integrate our swap into your DApp, reach out. Our DApp team has done most of that work. This is meant to be a low-lift feature to get it supported.

Speaker 5:

It sounds pretty cool. We'll definitely do that here. I'll yield. I had one or two questions around Robinhood Connect. Well, you need to hurry because you've been taking a boat.

Speaker 1:

I know that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 5:

They're other hands up. So anyway, I'll yield.

Speaker 1:

Thanks because I have a quick question before I get to the hands your cross-chain swap do they take a long time to happen?

Speaker 2:

It depends on a chain. In most cases, no, but if you're swapping, obviously the two big ones for network congestion are Bitcoin and Ethereum. If you're swapping into one of those and there's strong network congestion, there's no more congestion. Yeah, because everything is done on chain. If there's no congestion, no, it'll be pretty quick. I used to swap quite a bit. I don't do Bitcoin and Ethereum a lot. If you're swapping between any other network, it's just at the mercy of. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Block by block. I think you were first and then Jenny.

Speaker 4:

Hi, I was just curious about if you have it in the roadmap or in your future plans to bring multi-sig functionality, especially here on Cardano.

Speaker 2:

That is something once again we're looking into, but I can't really say anything for sure. We don't talk a lot about a roadmap just because we've had a few issues in the past where we may and obviously nothing's going to happen to Cardano. But there's been a couple of times in the past where we've pretty much early announced support for a specific chain or something and then that chain or that feature or whatever like collapses or something along those lines and because that we Obviously people may have heard that oh, we're adding x chain and then x chain went down or something along those lines and that's a big disappointment. So even for features on Like Cardano or another network that has real staying power, we don't talk a lot about what's on the roadmap until we're within like a couple weeks out of it releasing and so sorry that was a little bit of a long-winded answer, but a multi-sig functionality for Cardano and Other chains we've. We're looking into it. I don't have anything concrete to say right now.

Speaker 1:

Jenny, jenny, jenny Jenny.

Speaker 4:

Now I was just gonna ask something, but then, um, you say you couldn't talk about this, so that's uh, yeah, I Don't know how to do with, like, the wallet exit in the US. Is that a thing?

Speaker 2:

Oh, that came across my radar this morning. Z so we have a Bitcoin lightning feature in Exodus. Our, our provider for Bitcoin lightning, is exiting to us meaning is that Exodus users will no longer be able to use.

Speaker 4:

Lightning that was something they use to port it within the wallet. Yes, no, not not the wallet itself, because it was custodial, correct? That was correct, yeah okay, and that functionality is no longer available through Exodus wallet.

Speaker 2:

If you're if you're in the US, if you're outside yeah, okay. But I've seen some people on Exodus morning see that and have misinterpreted as Exodus is completely leaving us.

Speaker 4:

Actually glad that I asked yeah, clarifying, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

I, I. That came across my newsfeed like five minutes before going live here.

Speaker 1:

So we're kind of come to the end of our time, but it's been really interesting to get to know what you guys offer and what you have out there and I'm sure there's a lot of projects In court on it. Really don't know that these things exist through Exodus, so it was great to have you anything that you kind of just want to finish up with and make sure that we get out there in the Twitter verse.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just want to say Thank you for having me on here. You guys run an awesome show and, as you've seen, I do. I am the man behind the account here at Exodus. I do tune in from time to time and, yeah, you guys have an awesome show. Um, once again, if you want to check out Exodus, just visit us at Exodus. Calm were available. You can use Exodus on desktop, windows, mac OS, linux, android, ios, chromium, browser, so on and so forth. And, once again, if you are a Cardano Dev and I guess, a Dev on really any other network that wants to integrate Exodus swaps into your Dapp, check out Exodus comm slash, xo, dash swap or send us a message here on X and we'll connect with you. Um, that's it for me and, yeah, may your candles all be green. See you later.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening in the card on over coffee and thanks, exodus, for joining us. We look forward to having you on the show in the future. We want to give a big shout out to our monthly podcast supporters. The wizard Tim discover, cardano book dot IO Project camo Linda from stake pool ticker M A L U, twisted gears me hon. Enigma. Stake pool ticker one monster. Stake pool ticker M N S T R E. Pocksecked and Psycho is the card on a card game. We appreciate all your support. If you'd like to have your name or business mentioned in future podcasts or have your logo and links displayed in the description of our podcast, click the support button now you.

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