Cardano Over Coffee ☕

Revolutionizing Data Storage with Iagon

Brian, Epoch, Jenny, Lido, Block Jock, Noodz

Embark on a journey with the CEO of Iagon, the forward-thinking cloud computing platform, as we revisit the innovations transforming the tech world. From the fascinating shift of a healthcare professional into the dynamic domain of cryptocurrency, this episode navigates the company's strides since their pivot from Ethereum to Cardano — a move driven by the pursuit of enhanced cost-efficiency and security. We traverse the evolution of Iagon, which has grown from a healthcare data-centric project to an expansive decentralized cloud service. The founding team's multifaceted expertise is showcased, revealing how their token model has brought their long-term visions to fruition, all while maintaining a deep connection with healthcare's future alongside blockchain technology.

The spotlight shines on Iagon's significant infrastructure migration in this episode, marking a departure from conventional centralized services like AWS towards a more resilient bare-metal approach. Discover how this transformation promises increased network reliability and speed, without inflating costs. We celebrate the community's vital support, exploring initiatives like the NFT AirDrop and the ambassador program, which not only thank supporters but also drive community adoption through engaging gamification. 

As we look to the future, the conversation turns to the integration of Kubernetes within Iagon's upcoming compute capabilities, a move that's poised to revolutionize enterprise cloud solutions. We delve into the collaboration with Midnight, where the intricacies of zero-knowledge proofs are leveraged to balance privacy with regulatory compliance in the medical research sector. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everybody to Cardano Over Coffee. We got a great show for you today and remember you can join us live on Xspaces Monday through Friday, 9.30 am, eastern Standard Time, 2.30 pm UTC. We want to give a big thank you to today's show sponsor, cardano Spot. The Cardano Spot app is building to become the ultimate gateway to the Cardano ecosystem, breaking down barriers with open access articles and the hottest content in over 10 different languages. Download the Cardano Spot app today on Google Play or the App Store and join over 40,000 users on the future of social media powered by Web 3. Joining us on today's show is the CEO of Iagon, a cloud computing platform offering access to a decentralized, powered shared storage and compute economy. Check them out today at Iagoncom. Last time you were on the show, I looked this up it was June 3rd of 2023. How about that? It was 9 months ago.

Speaker 3:

Wow, that's been a while.

Speaker 1:

Welcome you back to the show.

Speaker 4:

Wow, that's been a while. Yeah, for sure I got to be back. I know you guys are doing well and you know happy to talk to you guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely so. If you're interested in that podcast, it is out there. We do have 200 episodes. Check them out. Iagon is definitely one of the interesting ones, and what's interesting is, if you listen to that show, the things we are talking about then we're probably going to be talking about today also, because a lot of it's either live or coming alive very, very soon. You guys have been so very hard at work. Can you first just give us a little introduction of how you got started in cryptocurrency and maybe a little story of how you started in Ethereum and then came to Cardano?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, sure, I mean I first ventured into the crypto space actually around 2013. That's when I first read the Satoshi paper. I was a healthcare professional so I kind of tried to imply the technology on blockchain to my profession. So more about patient data security, privacy, things like that. And then I didn't approach the idea again until 2017, early 2017. And that's when I because I had two kids, I just moved to Norway just in 2013 as well, so I was kind of early, early then and I just established it myself in Norway. So a lot going on personal life, so didn't come to across the idea until I got more time in 2017. And that's when you know.

Speaker 4:

First, actually it was surprisingly, if you guys don't know about a little bit quick story is it was called Juno before. Igon was actually called Juno and then we renamed it to Igon afterwards. But basically I approached some industry experts because I was more from the healthcare professional so I needed to talk with people maybe that had much more better experience than myself in terms of the tech realm. So I got some of the co-founders that are today Dr Eli Harrison, dr Rohit Gupta and Dr Clouder Lima on board. They have different kind of specialties in their own degree. Rohit especially important. He's from the US. He's a former director of technology for Expedia and currently one of the senior managers Google. He actually had a thesis which he wrote in 2005, was it? And it was about decentralized compute and he concluded that there was no way to incentivize the node operators, or, you know, the people that are providing the idle capacity in compute. So it was kind of hard to finish the model. So when we brought the token model to him, he was very excited about, you know, finishing his thesis, which was life's work, I guess, after that. So he's happy to join the team and all their collective thinking you know, claudio with his collective thinking and Alad also was vital to like form what Iagon's vision was. It was basically, you know, at that time focusing on just storage and healthcare, but then emolded into more of a generic cloud service, decentralized cloud service, which focuses on compute and storage, because kind of they're tied hand in hand. So that model was finished then in 2017.

Speaker 4:

And then we'll first kind of look at where we build on on top of build on, and the most mature kind of blockchain out there for building DApps at that time was Ethereum. So Ethereum was the right we took and we realized after a couple of years, I guess, that it wasn't the best kind of chain to be on, because of you know more. So, for practicality reasons, like you know, cost, for example right now we're able to offer $2 a month for one terabyte, which is $24 a year. We wouldn't be able to offer that on Ethereum because the transaction cost just itself is about 25, maybe more dollars right, so it's double probably the cost. So we needed to.

Speaker 4:

Also, also, we looked at a lot of you know issues with security aspects and how actually Ethereum also acknowledged how they're building kind of backwards, right. They're acknowledged their mistake and proof of work and proof of stake model and Cardano had all that things, all those things going for them. They had built a kind of a base from down. Foundation was strong and you know, I think they built slowly but they built properly and that's why they're not building backwards, right. So it was kind of a choice taken in late 2020, where kind of Cardano was heading into with a smart contracts and things like that, where we took the decision to migrate over to Cardano and then we started, you know, started that process then. So that's now we're here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, funny story right. I love the whole medical I had. You know, I had a lot of medical records I had in 2017, I had known about Bitcoin for a little bit, but I was always suspicious of it, and a friend of mine who is a doctor for the UFC knew somebody who was starting a crypto called Timmycoin that dealt specifically with medical records and that really piqued my interest. So the whole fact of being able to store medical records on on a blockchain, however, going to zero and yada, yada, yada. And here we are today.

Speaker 3:

And look at Bitcoin.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and look, I should have just been buying Bitcoin. But whatever, here we are right and what you're building really interests me because it builds off of my that need for medical records on a blockchain. It's always been something that I've seen as a use case for blockchain and who? If I go to another country, I would like to be able to access my medical records if need be. My doctor just recently retired. That was a headache going to get my medical records right, so that's always been something that is interested me. But let's get back to about what's going on right now. Right Right now, I could set up a node on Iagon and if you could tell me a little bit about the data on all of that and how somebody could go about providing storage on Iagon and also how many people are out there doing that right now.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, sure, and we've got a, let's say, a great feedback from the community. I think that has much to do with how let's say how many, let's say, pools Cardano pools are on Cardano. There's so many node operators on Cardano right, and that's one of the reasons I think I believe that we've had so much success, because the devs are on Cardano or second to none right and they set up. There's a lot of decentralization in Cardano and a lot of nodes on Cardano and right now we have around 328 nodes across 48 countries and 197 unique cities. We have 169 subscribers and 131 websites hosted on Iagon and it's been a great success for the node operators for sure. I mean in terms of attracting node operators and the support that we've received from them. I mean, one of the reasons also is because how easy it is to set up a node. We have different software support. We have Linux, windows, cli, we have NAS available set up, we have ARM support. We have many, many supports to come as well. We have QNAP also coming. So there's multiple support softwares that allow you to cater to this kind of hardware that you have. And you can go on the docs section in the website I think it's docsiagoncom, if I'm not mistaken. If not, you can search through Iagoncom and then there's a main night guide and tells you kind of in a simple way of how to set up a node.

Speaker 4:

You would need Iagon tokens to set up a node. It's kind of like a staking a certain amount of Iagon tokens. It's kind of like a trust bond between you and the network. But also, basically you're basically putting your money where your mouth is, in a sense, where you're providing a service to the end user and if you actually don't have any stake, basically you can shut down your node at any time and that's not good for the users that are actually using the node network. So that's part of the system there. That's why we have the staking involved. You require about 0.5 USD in Iagon tokens per gigabyte. So for one terabyte it's $500 in Iagon tokens that needs to be staked. So there's a.

Speaker 4:

It's also a permissionless setup, meaning that we don't there's no required permission from Iagon to set up the node. It's you can set it up as you will and you can decommission the node as you will if you would like to. So three months is the unstaking period, meaning that if you want to kind of decommission the node. You have to wait three months to unsteak your Iagon tokens. So you stake the tokens, you get an authorization key and then you paste it in the dashboard and it's simple as that.

Speaker 4:

It doesn't take too long to set up a node. Some people have set it up in less than five minutes. Others take time, of course, if you don't have the tech experience. But we're going to have delegated staking as well, coming up in early actually early April, around there April mid-April where you can, as Iagon holder, delegate to node operators. Meaning that quote unquote. It's not the same delegation model as Cardano, but it's something similar, where we're going to have a marketplace where you, as a node operator, can put out an order that's saying that, hey, I want to set up an 80 terabyte node, I need this many tokens. These are the kind of margins or these are the shared revenue models between you and the people that are staking with you and people can stake Iagon tokens with you to fill up that order. Or the other way around, where you have Iagon tokens and you want people to set up nodes. So it goes both ways. So that's more about the staking and node setup.

Speaker 1:

That's quite interesting the marketplace and how that's going to work. I find that quite interesting and something that I've been looking quite forward to. And let me tell you, folks, it is so easy to set up a node that even I can do it, and if I can do it, anybody can do it.

Speaker 3:

I remember when you were sitting that up and you're like, oh, I help you. He was like helping everybody to set up a note. You're so excited.

Speaker 5:

Hero, even me, I mean, you set me up with my Iagon miner.

Speaker 1:

So I get that. You don't even need me. The docs are there. It's really that simple so if you're interested, so what. Check it out.

Speaker 3:

What when you're okay, so when you're running a node, for those who might want to, you know, get more excited about this and understand it better. What are you doing when you're running a node? What are you helping by doing that? What's what's your role?

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So I guess that that goes into, like you know, centralized services and decentralized services and how they differ. So, basically, what Iagon is, it's like an Airbnb for storage and compute. Right now we have the storage where you're kind of as you're looking for as a user or on Airbnb, looking for a place where you want to stay, you're looking for certain parameters, you're looking for, you know, maybe a two bedroom, one bedroom house, or maybe downtown, maybe outside downtown, so you get to or Pacific location, right. So this is the same kind of way where you're as a user, kind of kind of constraining, where you want your data to be stored. So if you're like a enterprise user and you want to store your data specifically in EU, you can do that. You want high performance, high availability, things like that, so you get it to their needs.

Speaker 4:

And what you're doing as a node operator is you're providing that distributed service. So, on a centralized network, you have one server, you know, or a few servers that hold the full file in one place, right, we call that. You know a data lake where you know if you have an analogy we like using is you know, if you have a lake with a fence around it, the fence being the encryption and you have a hacker that wants to kind of get into the server and, you know, breach the data. They kind of kind of breach the first or jump over the fence, breach the encryption and swim into the lake, meaning that you can collect any you know, as much water or much data as you want, and in a simple way. That's how data leaks happen, right, and that happens all the time.

Speaker 4:

And what you're doing here with the distributed service is you have multiple nodes, meaning that you have multiple mini lakes that are completely frozen and also had the encryption around it the fence. So if a hacker jumps into the lake or the mini lake, there's no way to, you know, penetrate or, you know, go inside the ice or and then see what the data is. The only person that can have access or bring the mini lakes and liquefy the lake is the person that uploaded the file, so they have full access for control of their data. That's the differentiation and basically, as a node operator, you're making it much more distributed and much more decentralized, in a sense, for the users.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Recently there's an update coming up. It may have happened or it may be coming up soon, I don't remember off the top of my head, but I remember reading that it's going to make the system that is being used now more decentralized. Can you get into that update and what that's all about?

Speaker 4:

I think maybe you're referring to the migration, infrastructure migration right? Yes, we have the infrastructure migration on, I think, monday. We were going to do it on Friday but then this weekend, so we want to make sure everything's okay. We moved it to Monday. The migration is basically from the centralized services like AWS to a more distributed bare metal services. That way, basically anything that's hosted on the centralized services like AWS is not, let's say, if anything happens to AWS, we're still up and running. We have it at more distributed. It's still somewhat centralized because it's catering to a specific couple of vendors. It's not like multiple vendors, right, but it creates a much more efficient network for the user, meaning that anything that's hosted, like the domains, the API calls it's running through these services. It's much more quicker, as we estimated the speeds, and it's actually up to 49 times faster at the same price point as AWS.

Speaker 1:

Wow, go ahead, bokhtra.

Speaker 5:

I was just curious. I was looking at the roadmap First off before I start the question, just so you know, hero is probably one of your biggest supporters and is constantly making sure that I am taking the proper precautions to make sure I'm in before you guys blow up as a protocol. But I was looking at the roadmap and you've got 2024 as the ambassador program and then also NFT AirDrop for holders and stakeholders. Could you talk about that a little bit?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, sure, the NFT AirDrop has been moved a little bit because of other priorities, but basically it's going to be dropped to. It's going to be like a bonus ticker for incentives for people that are running nodes and stuff. But if you have nodes, right. But basically it incentivizes the people that have participated or supported us previously, so anyone that's delegated to our pools previously IEG1, ieg2, and IEG1, so there'll be an AirDrop specifically for those people and also people that have supported us through Ethereum to Cardano as well, so they have migrated over their token. So we want to make sure we show them some love, supporting us throughout, and it'll be a small kind of that's a utility NFT that will give some extra incentives for if they're running a node or doing something else.

Speaker 4:

The other question was sorry, what was the other question? The ambassador program was, yeah, the ambassador program. So the ambassador program is basically like a referral slash ambassador program. The community is driving the adoption. So what we're doing here with the ambassador and referral program is we're giving commission fees to people that onboard customers, so anyone that pushes and we want to make sure, first of all, that when we do that, that the platform is stable and that everything is sorted, all the bugs are fixed, squashed. So when people are referring them that they have a good experience when they're coming in, so it's a first impression is always important.

Speaker 4:

So what we're doing here is, let's say, if you're a referee or ambassador and you are referring, let's say, 10 people to IEG1, and they come in and use it and these 10 people also refer.

Speaker 4:

So it'll be kind of like a family tree trickle down effect where the referee at the top I don't know if I want to get into all the details, but we're making kind of an analogy with the IEGNOTs and the spaceship where you're a captain of. Let's say, if you're the first referral, you're the captain of the ship and anything under your ship that you are referring to trickle down in terms of revenues towards you. And if you actually, as the person on that ship, surpasses the referrals for your captain, you can create your own ship. So we have a fun model. We think that will gamify the kind of referral system and including kind of like successful models from before, like Dropbox, where you get free storage, free services, things like that. So we want to drive the adoption in that way. But that program will have some incentives from IEGNOT tokens as well, and also subscription packages and things like that.

Speaker 1:

Did you Jenny from the blockchain?

Speaker 3:

What? Yes, for those who are interested in, like you know, supporting and getting some I you know I'm sorry I go on talking and they don't want to necessarily run a node what other ways can they? In what other ways can they participate? I know you have a staking. How does it work? What else can can people do? Park it and set it and forget it? Do people have to be paying attention to go into your portal and claiming things? You know how? How does that work?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so other ways to participate in the in the ecosystem is simply by delegating to our pools. Right now we have IGL1, IGL2. Those are liquidity reward programs basically. So it actually ends in end of April, but we are planning on continuing it longer with more incentives that aren't IG tokens. We'll announce that actually hopefully today.

Speaker 3:

What's the difference between 1 and 2?

Speaker 4:

The one was actually almost fully saturated, so we opened up a second one.

Speaker 3:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 4:

So all incentives, but basically we're taking the rewards, the data rewards, and we're, with 85% of the data rewards. What we're doing is we're buying back IGN tokens and providing liquidity for the DEXs. So, in in our view of course maybe a biased view it's a win-win for both. But I think that, you know, because we're purchasing IGN tokens and providing liquidity to support the community and, you know, drive the volume forward and hopefully that attracts attention from some of the bigger exchanges. And yeah, that's, that's the one.

Speaker 1:

I guess, if you are the staking won't be live till when again?

Speaker 4:

The staking is live for node operators now, but for delegators yeah yeah, that'll be live in around mid mid-April.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's coming up something to pay attention to, so when this ends, the other one starts.

Speaker 3:

Yes, okay.

Speaker 4:

It'll be delegated staking. That might be easier for for people that don't want to go into the node operating system.

Speaker 3:

Got it. And then I have a question here because there's there are other ways. I mean, I see NMaker is now using I think I pinned it up at the top at some point, but it was back in back there so I see that NMaker is integrating Iagon in their, in their business, and I don't know exactly how that looks like, because I saw it this morning and I haven't had the chance to read into it, but it just looks like maybe other projects also can, might want to look into the integration of Iagon.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, for sure. I mean we haven't driven the NFT side yet, but that's partially because we haven't had the compute out. And once we have the compute out we'll be able to do indexing, that meaning you know, you can show proof of, you know, assets on chain and proof of, for example, nft on chain where it's stored, things like that. So once we have that then we can push on the NFT side a little bit more. But you know, patrick's has. Patrick has been pushing Iagon, which you know we really appreciate, and I think that I think we'll have some collaborations. Now we had a recent partnership with HOT which they're building up. They have already three nodes running 70 terabytes, I think, each, each node. So there's some buzz with partnerships. For sure, I think, and we're definitely willing to talk to any partners that want to, you know, decentralize storage and eventually decentralize compute, which is coming can you, can you talk a little bit about that?

Speaker 1:

that's coming like the end of the month, right or so?

Speaker 4:

Yes, that's like first iteration, first iteration, so we want to do some testing and then the, the mainnet version will be, I think, in May, and but we're doing. We're doing also the rare EVO event. I think rare was here. So, oh, the hackathon, the hackathon, yes, and the hackathon is gonna have I think it's 25k price coming up, sweet that's a way to attract some, some good participation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, rand was in here shouting that out earlier and that's quite interesting and that's really exciting and I'm really happy to see that happening and shout out to you guys for doing that and shout out to Rare EVO for holding the event and it's gonna be actually the one of the biggest parts, as we're gonna be working with one chain and maestro.

Speaker 4:

I don't think this is publicly announced yet, but we can maybe say it because you know it's been formalized a little bit where anything in the hackathon must be built on top of the compute of Iagon, so it has to include Iagon as one of the the main kind of requirements, and then either you using one chain or maestro as a secondary kind of requirement and they're surprises, for you know the top three winners.

Speaker 1:

That's excellent. That'll be amazing Karmic. Go ahead, I Can't hear you.

Speaker 7:

Hey guys, good morning. I'm having trouble here, can you guys?

Speaker 3:

hear yes, we can.

Speaker 7:

I can now. Now we can, I think. I think I might be slightly rugging if that happens. My apologies, but I just wanted to Ask about so you've moved out of AWS. I'm not surprised, given the ingress fees for ingress traffic and Some of the performance challenges that AWS Unfortunately Saddles us with oftentimes, but so I'm very familiar with that architecture. I'm curious, so you've gone bare metal in your own pops. I'll call them how many pops globally are you in?

Speaker 4:

yeah, it's mostly in Germany right now, so I would say about four, but it's also cluster network as well. So it's I mean to answer that more technical way I'd probably get Holliger I don't know if he's here, but he's the one helping us with the setup there.

Speaker 7:

Holger is doing your infrastructure Correct Awesome. Yeah, I have a great fondness for him and we see eye-to-eye on architectural matters more importantly. So let me ask you this how much? How much are you a student of Minio? Have you? Have you been watching and following? I would be shocked if you weren't Minio as a company.

Speaker 4:

I haven't. I've followed a bit, but I haven't been following that much. Maybe you want to highlight and what? What were you?

Speaker 7:

well, so really similar trajectory to yours, but focused entirely on enterprise storage, and that's where I Don't do anything storage related, but I'm well aware of what's going on there because everything I do an enterprise touches on storage ultimately, but I'm more on the networking and security side. But but I the. So she founded, so Indian National, went to Harvard unbelievable pedigree, similar pedigree to yours Started this company from nothing and Built it and it's absolutely amazing. She's assembled some of the smartest minds in storage worldwide and and and I count you in that group I have no reason not to. And I'm just curious, if you follow Minio, they've been getting a lot of buzz on in the financial press. They're still private, I believe, but that will change likely this year. They've taken a lot of VC. I Won't say a lot, but they've built an incredible roster of enterprise customers like household name. You know the Home Depot's, the, you know.

Speaker 1:

I don't mean the Russia people like that.

Speaker 7:

I just want to be respect for their time more around Kubernetes and kind of making a one-click Deployment and an alternative to S3 bucketing.

Speaker 3:

Karma can you?

Speaker 7:

hear here?

Speaker 3:

I Can't hear, oh yeah, no, he's just trying to tell you that he didn't want to like rush you, but we do have a second guest, so we want to make sure that oh, we're doing.

Speaker 7:

Hey, my bad. Yeah, anyway, we, we should chat offline. I'm curious when you stand on the Kubernetes Capabilities within within IAgon.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean we have. Once the compute comes out and the first iteration at the end of this month, then we will have kind of a better understanding what the capabilities will be. The full version will be kind of Later down. I guess we will include GPU later down the road. First we're focusing just on CPU and that will be with the main net in in May. So To answer your question in a short way yes, yes, we are gonna be, you know, using Kubernetes and you know simple, put a deployment package, packages as well, and we're gonna have different services that that you can build on top of the compute infrastructure. We don't want to build everything, so we want to. We want to cater this to the community, right. So once, once the infrastructure or the decentralized infrastructure is out, we want to encourage other other people to do that, and that's one of the reasons why we're doing the hackathon as well, to Allow people to build these types of solutions themselves, right.

Speaker 7:

That's awesome and, and if I may, you don't want to boil the ocean, as they say. Right, you want to do the things you do incredibly well and then move on to the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing, and, yeah, iterate progressively. I love it. I'm a big fan. I'm an owner of Viagon. Full disclosure and we'll continue to be. Thank you very much. Thank you for having questions.

Speaker 1:

Jonah, just to be respectful of Viagon's time. He may have another meeting. I'm not sure. Can you stick around for these last few questions, sir.

Speaker 4:

No, no, I'm good. Actually, the kids should be home soon, but I'm good, I'm free right now.

Speaker 1:

OK, go ahead. Jonah, you ask away sir.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, sir. Appreciate Carnover Coffee everybody. Viagon, thanks for jumping in here and telling us what you're up to and feeling. Some questions. I had a little question about midnight. Are you guys on the DevNet on midnight? Reason why you ask is because, while midnight will be able to shield transaction information, a lot of the sort of you know actual data that people will be obfuscating will need to be stored somewhere and I was wondering if Icon is going to be a solution for that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean we've had some good talks with midnight. So I've had talks with the midnight CEO and I've had talks. We've had also released a kind of a very minimal, viable product using ZK Proofs at the end of at the end of December I think it was during New Year's that we released it and just to showcase on the medical side actually how we can use ZK Proofs and storage right, decentralized storage. So what we demonstrated is basically like if you're doing a research, let's say, let's give it an example as a pharmaceutical company where they want to do some research on a certain drug or develop a new drug, and they're looking for certain demographic in terms of the age, the medication that they're using, certain history that they want to outline, now the problem nowadays is that sometimes you have to share sensitive information with the pharmaceutical company. Right when this kind of solution with the MVP. What you could do is you could share kind of your data to the pharmaceutical company and basically avoid releasing any, let's say, sensitive information like your name, your address, things like that, and thereby giving all the vital information that the pharmaceutical company needs, but avoiding giving sensitive information. So pharmaceutical company can put out and offer what the incentives are whatever they are, and then people can choose if they want to join that research or not. And that's one of the simple ways of kind of showcasing how we could work with midnight.

Speaker 4:

The other other solution that we're going to be working on is with KYC. So one click KYC verification so you have your download. We can work with a third party where they verify all the documents. Now, instead of doing the whole KYC process on every website and different vendors that are actually kind of approving it, you can just click a button and be verified without having to kind of redo the whole KYC, without sharing any information with that company. You're kind of clicking in and you're verified with one click. So we want to make it as simple as that. So these kind of solutions that we can get without midnight and we definitely are open to and we've talked to midnight as well and we've worked also with midnight- I appreciate that answer.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I have one little quick follow-up if you don't mind. Is your data shielded by default in your network, or is it something? Is it hard to shield data there? That's kind of my other question.

Speaker 4:

So you have full operational sovereignty of your data, right? So there's first the blockchain access layer, so no one else can access your data is the person that holding the private keys of that wallet. Now, if you lose those keys, then we can't really help you, but that's the only kind of case where you lose your keys or you give it to share it with someone else. But there's also encryption password encryption so you have to use your side encryption as well. So meaning that when you have the password, you encrypt your data or you give access to it as well. So that's the only way to access it, but you have full control of your data.

Speaker 2:

Brilliant. Thank you for the answer. I'll step down now, thanks.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, june. Cardano review. You got the last question because then I'm going to have to let Igon go. We have another guest to talk to. That's very exciting also, so stay tuned for that.

Speaker 6:

What's up. What's up? Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Igon. I was actually doing some in-person onboarding. I made some wallets and handed them out with Igon tokens to just people at these crypto events. So you know, I was trying to get people on board and I really want to see you guys do well. So my question is and this is kind of a theoretical question, but imagine 10 years from now where do you see Igon at Like? What do you guys see Taking?

Speaker 1:

over the world. You didn't know.

Speaker 4:

I mean 10 years, for now, that's hard, that's a long time, but oh if Lido was here, he'll be asking 50.

Speaker 3:

So you better have an answer for 10 years.

Speaker 4:

I mean, hopefully we're one of the leading, leading cloud service providers in the world. Hopefully, you know, that's the that's the goal. We have a mission to kind of you know your data, your, your control, your future right. So I think that that cloud services has a big problem, especially the centralized control, censorship and costs. So we solve a lot of those problems, the way the architecture is built. So we hope to be one of the leader, leading, let's say cloud service providers in the world.

Speaker 6:

Appreciate it. Thanks for taking my question.

Speaker 1:

Sweet, excellent. Jenny, you're going to hear your own voice. I apologize for walking away now. Igon, I want to thank you for your time and coming again. Let's not make it nine months next time. I would appreciate that. No, I'm joking. You take as much time as you need. You come back when you want, but I do appreciate your time. Is there anything you guys got so much going on? We could spend like literally two or three hours probably talking, but is there anything that you just want to make sure that people are aware of that you didn't get out there, that we didn't talk about?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, like you said, there's a lot going on. So I mean we could go on and on. I mean we have a lot of things going on this month already. We're working a lot in parallel right. There's a lot of moving parts. So I mean the main thing you can do is, you know, spread awareness. You know we'd love to. You know feedback. If feedback is important, that's how we improve. So, you know, and give us, you know, constructive criticism is important to improve the product. And I think you guys said you know, don't be afraid to tell us. You know, hey, you guys can improve this better. We always take those comments. Even if we don't reply to any of them, if we don't reply to everyone, we always note them down and see how we can improve on it. So that's the only thing I would say. But I appreciate you guys' time. I appreciate you guys having me Appreciate everyone listening in.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate you and I just want to let you know that you are our third most listened to podcast, behind the head of the Cardano Foundation, fredrick Agard, who's the leader, and then Charles, so you're third. Thanks everyone for tuning in to Cardano Over Coffee and thanks, aigon, for joining us. Make sure you stop back and we'll be looking forward for those updates. We want to give a big thank you to today's show sponsor, cardano Spot. The Cardano Spot app is building to become the ultimate gateway to the Cardano ecosystem, breaking down barriers with open access articles and the hottest content in over 10 different languages. Download the Cardano Spot app today on Google Play or the App Store and join over 40,000 users on the future of social media powered by Web 3.

Speaker 1:

We want to give a big shout out to our monthly podcast supporters. The wizard Tim, discovercardano, Bookio Project, camo, linda from StakefulTicker, m-a-l-u Twisted Gears, meehan, enigmas, stakefulticker 1, monster, stakefulticker, m-n STR, epochsec and Psycho is the Cardano card game. We appreciate all your support. If you'd like to have your name or business mentioned in future podcasts or have your logo and links displayed in the description of our podcast, click the Support button now.

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